“Party Twins” is a first-of-its-kind product, derived from multiple combinations of herbs with proven results for removing Hangovers and Protecting the Liver. “Party Twins” has proven to enhance the liver function & detoxification of the harmful toxins produced by the metabolism of alcohol & hence preventing a hangover. “Party Twins” has been well researched and tried and also approved by AYUSH, Govt. of India. Physiology of Hangover A hangover is a complex feeling & has been attributed to several causes including the direct physiological effect of Alcohol on the brain & other organs & the effects of the removal of alcohol from these organs. Alcohol is a toxin & our bodies process it & remove it from our systems. The liver is the organ which metabolises the alcohol & the by-products are excreted in the urine by the kidneys. Alcohol is metabolised in two steps by the liver using two enzymes, Alcohol dehydrogenase & Aldehyde dehydrogenase. The first enzyme converts alcohol into a very toxic substance called Acetaldehyde. Another contributing factor is the presence of products from the breakdown of ethanol by liver enzymes. This makes us feel sick & is one of the main causes of Hangover symptoms like Headache Nausea and vomiting Drowsiness Fatigue and body aches Burning sensation in the stomach.
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